Monday, October 18, 2004

More Columbus advertisers oppose Sinclair

The ranks of Columbus advertisers speaking out against Sinclair continue to grow. As you can read from the emails below, two local law firms have protested. I've also learned that a hair salon has pulled out, too.

The total list of pullot so far: HER Realtors, Homes That Click Realtors, Chesrown Buick Pontiac GMC and Kia dealers, Elk & Elk, The Plymale Partnership, and Kenneth's Hair Salon.

Speaking of protests...there will be a group of folks protesting WSYX/WTTE here in Columbus at 6:00. We'll meet in the parking lot just south of the station at 1261 Dublin Rd. Bring a flag, a sign, and an umbrella.

Elk & Elk lawfirm

We are in agreement with your position regarding our mutual disapproval of WSYX and WTTE's airing of the anti-Kerry documentary, "Stolen Honor". We have already expressed to Sinclair Broadcast Group's management that we disapprove of their airing "Stolen Honor" prior to the November 2nd election. We do not believe this method of "gutter" politics will be beneficial to whoever they support.

Our firm has strongly supported and will continue to support the Kerry/Edwards Presidential Campaign. We have made our offices available for several months now for Kerry/Edwards phone banks, as well as making our staff available to assist with the phone banks. We have distributed yard signs and contributed to their campaign by sending out flyers to our clients in support of their candidacy. We have pulled our 30-second television
commercial spots for the month of October from the stations, but we are not able to pull our billboard/news sponsorships due to contractual commitments.

We will continue to do everything we can to support the Kerry/Edwards Campaign.

The Plymale Partnership lawfirm

I write to you in response to an email you sent to Ron
Plymale. Ron has retired so I, as one of the current partners, am undertaking the response on behalf of my firm. I apologize for not being able to respond to each individual note but the task would be too daunting. I will say I am honored and proud that each of you have taken the time to voice your concerns. Please continue voicing your concerns in the future. Be sure to vote on Nov. 2nd.

The Plymale Partnership purchases commercial air time though a buyer months in advance. Once we heard of the Sinclair issue, and before the emails started coming in, I contacted the buyer to express my displeasure and to see if it is possible to pull our current advertising. I have not received and answer as the affiliates, as I understand it, are hoping the "home office" will back down. I have made it
clear to our media buyer that if the program airs, though we may not be able to stop was is already in progress, we can certainly refuse to make purchases in the future.

Just so there is not misunderstanding, this firm is proud to be made up of trial attorneys that represents people. You will not find any kind words coming from Sinclair or the current administration towards our profession. With that in mind, you know which side of this issue The Plymale Partnership is on. Long before the Sinclair issue was raised, we were supporting those that support our clients and profession.

I don't know what will happen. I cannot subject my firm to
lawsuits for breach of contract. I, like each of you, can decide to spend my money elsewhere. There are many tv stations out there willing to take our money.

Thank you for contacting us and expressing your views. I am hopeful that you reach goal to stop the airing of the program. I also hope each of you vote your concerns on Nov 2nd. Take a friend. Finally, while in the voting booth, be sure to vote of Connelly, Fuerst, O'Neill and Pfeiffer for the Ohio Supreme Court.

Andrew W. Cecil

The Plymale Partnership
495 South High St, Suite 400
Columbus, Ohio 43215
614 221-1166 office
614 221-6633 fax

Peculiar article, exactly what I was looking

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